Gabon incentivized to save forests and cut emissions

Photo JB Dodane

Gabon is set to receive $150 million over ten years for cutting emissions from forest degradation and deforestation and for the CO2 sequestration of its natural forests. The deal, under the UN REDD+ programme, was brokered with the country by the Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI) on behalf of funder Norway. It was announced by Gabonese Forests Minister Lee White at the Climate Action Summit at the UN in September.

The initiative, which will be subject to third party verification, sets a carbon floor price of $10 per certified ton to incentivize forest maintenance and emissions reduction. Payments will also be retrospective, covering Gabon’s achievement in this area going back to 2016.

“We have to raise the value of Gabonese rainforests to ensure conservation and sustainable exploitation can be used as tools to improve living standards by creating jobs and livelihoods, whilst also sustaining natural capital,” said Mr White. “Norway’s agreement to double the price of a ton of rainforest carbon dioxide is highly significant and gives us hope that the international community will move towards a realistic price that will provide a real incentive for rainforest countries to follow our example.”

Norway  Minister of Climate and Environment Ola Elvestuen described the project as ‘historic’. “It properly takes into account Gabon’s special status as a country with high forest cover and low deforestation,” he said. “It is 88% covered with forests, and I hope our partnership can help them reach their goal to maintain 98% of that for the future.”

According to CAFI, Central African forests and peatlands store up to 70 billion tons of carbon, equivalent to 5-10 years’ global greenhouse gas emissions. Emmanuel Groutel expert in strategy and international markets at WALE welcomed the Gabonese initiative and said it could be a model for fellow supplier states. “The whole world must support Gabon because what it is proposed is an example of virtuous development that preserves the environment and shows the way forward for other countries in the region,” he said.

ATIBT President Robert Hunink applauded the Gabon initiative. “I hope that other Congo Basin countries consider following this example. It would truly be a great contribution towards climate change mitigation,” he said. “However, in other to convince governments that forest conservation could be an alternative income model to conventional harvesting, carbon prices need to reflect this. And last but not least, socio-economic development should not be negatively impacted by these agreements.”

In 2018, Gabon President Ali Bongo Ondimba stated that all forest concessions in the country must be certified by 2022.

EU governments take diverse approach on timber procurement

A study on the emphasis on legality and sustainability verification in EU member state public timber procurement policies highlights that sustainability certification is what most require of suppliers. At the same time, it emphasizes the wide diversity of approaches in this area.

The report has been produced by the EU FLEGT Independent Market Monitor (IMM). Its role is to monitor trade flows from supplier countries engaged in the EU FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement legality assurance initiative and market impacts of FLEGT-licensed timber. It also gauges EU market perceptions of the FLEGT programme.

The particular focus of the report, titled A study of EU public timber procurement policies, related guidance and reference to FLEGT, is where FLEGT sits in policies, notably relative to sustainability certification.

Public procurement, it states, is not only a key factor in the timber marketplace due to the wood volumes government itself buys, but also because of its influence on private procurement. “Sustainable procurement is therefore about using public spending to achieve social and environmental objectives, and to strategically use the public sector’s economic power to catalyse innovation in the private sector,” it says.

The report underlines that some EU governments still don’t have a specific timber policy.

Those that do, differ in what they accept as evidence of sustainability and legality. Some are mandatory, others voluntary. There is also variation in their application to different levels of government. Most EU national governments have mandatory purchasing policies for central government departments, but voluntary for local authorities and other agencies, which are actually responsible for most public spending.

“Most EU governments also do not know how much wood they purchase, so have no indication how much sustainable, legal or FLEGT-licensed material is included,” states the report.

In total, 22 member state governments have a timber procurement policy. Of the other six, Portugal and Poland are addressing the topic, but Greece, Estonia, Hungary and Romania have no declared plans for policy development.

All 22 governments with policies accept third party certification, i.e. FSC and PEFC, as proof of legality and sustainability.  Eighteen mention FLEGT licenses, while 12 cite third party legality verification, self-declaration and ecolabels. Of the 18 that mention FLEGT licences, only the UK and Luxembourg accept them on an equal basis with third party certification as proof of legality and sustainability. Others accept them as evidence of legality and sustainability, but secondary to certification, or as proof of legality only.

The report finds that there is little government reporting of compliance with their own procurement policies. Belgium has however addressed impact of its policy.  A 2017 study of 140,000 tender documents found 1,800 mentions of FSC or PEFC in tender documents. FSC was specified in 88 contract notifications, PEFC in one, while FLEGT Licences were not specified at all.

The full IMM public procurement report can be downloaded here.  For its earlier report on private sector procurement policies click here.

Award-winning film shows forest management supporting biodiversity

A documentary featuring STTC and Fair & Precious partner Interholco, which highlights how sustainable forest management in the Republic of Congo can incentivise forest and habitat conservation has won Germany’s prestigious Nature Film Prize.

In ‘Paradise Preserved: Congo – Protecting the Gorilla Forests’ , which was produced by Thomas Weidenbach for tv channel ARTE, film-makers followed the work of forest and industry teams from Interholco subsidiary IFO in the Republic of Congo over several weeks.

The company manages an FSC concession of 1.16 million ha in the country and the film showed how its approach to sustainable management, including working with conservation organisations, helps preserve habitats, in this case home to several thousand western lowland gorillas.

“The jury came to its decision based on the film’s positive vision of how it’s possible to secure nature in the tropical forest, while at the same time providing local people with long-term, economic prospects,” said Interholco managing director Ulrich Grauert. “’Made in Africa’ sustainable hardwood offers a multitude of solutions to help tackle climate change, while supporting social justice in developing countries and protecting habitats. We hope this film will be shown in schools all over Europe. It explains in a comprehensible way how sustainable forestry works in Africa.”

In its report on the award, newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung said the documentary demonstrates ‘how it is possible to give nature a value that ultimately contributes to its protection’.

“This is a previously neglected perspective, which gives hope in nature conservation and social terms,” it said.

Streaming service Curiosity Stream ( shows the film with the strapline: ‘Something exceptional is happening in the north of the Republic of the Congo. Here loggers are not destroying the environment, but helping preserve the tropical forests’.

The German Nature Film Foundation has been awarding its annual prize since 2008. The aim is to support the work of film makers, but also help conservation by ‘bringing endangered species and natural spaces’ into people’s living rooms’.

The award was presented by German culture minister Bettina Martin.

You can watch the film here:


Civil engineering projects highlight tropical timber performance

Two major new infrastructure projects in the Netherlands demonstrate the technical potential and carbon benefits of tropical timber in marine civil engineering.

In Zeewolde harbour, a series of six giant lock gates have been installed, all in FSC-certified azobé.

In total, the gates comprise 74m3 of timber, with the largest 4m wide and 10m high. They were designed and produced by hardwood specialists Wijma Kampen and assembled in association with Machinefabriek Rusthoven. Despite their size, the first four, precisely machined to size, were installed in just two days. The final two were due to be in place in August.

The second project, completed earlier this year, is a 149m footbridge in the Afferdense, Deeste Waarden area. Planning for the structure, which bridges a side channel, started in 2008 with the aim of opening up new walking routes in the area.

Azobé was once more the timber specified, a total of 75m3, storing 122.6 tons of CO2.  The 100% FSC-certified material was supplied by Boogaerdt Wood.

Both projects are featured  on the website of the Hout in de GWW initiative (, an alliance of 12 timber providers and timber research and market development organisation Centrum Hout.  The aim is to promote use of verified sustainable hardwood in the civil and marine civil engineering sectors.

The campaign targets construction professionals and specifiers such as municipal and regional authorities, and waterway management bodies and supports life cycle analysis and other research and testing to demonstrate the properties of hardwood.

“We believe we’ve put tropical timber, as an environmentally friendly and suitable technical solution, back to ’top of mind’ with professionals and other decision makers in this sector,” said Centrum Hout’s Eric de Munck. “Another spin off is that the Dutch Ministry of Transport and Waterways has started a consultation on the possibilities of using more timber in infrastructure projects to accelerate its progress towards CO2 reduction and climate impact reduction goals. It has also commissioned its own LCA studies to strengthen the business case for wood.”

At the Berlin STTC Conference, Eric de Munck will share more details about the Hout in de GWW initiative.

STTC site develops as sustainable tropical timber hub

The Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition has relaunched its website,, developing its role as an information hub on sustainable timber procurement and the benefits it delivers in underpinning sustainable tropical forest management.

The revised STTC site sets out its objectives to increase EU demand for verified sustainable tropical  timber through communicating its technical and environmental benefits, and the environmental and development value of tropical forests. Its goal is also to convince tropical suppliers that there is a long-term viable market for verified sustainable tropical timber, so incentivizing uptake of sustainable forest management.

The website’s Market Data page highlights the STTC’s view that accurate, consistent data on the tropical timber trade is central to informing EU market development. It details its own market reports and analysis. It also provides links to other international and national data sources.

In its Marketing section, the website underlines the importance of stepping up tropical timber communication and promotion in the EU given its perception that it is implicated in deforestation. Key tropical timber marketing resources and tools are listed and linked. These include life cycle analysis studies on tropical timber, manuals on the use of certified timber in construction, and the STTC’s YouTube channel, which features a range of videos on the STTC itself, its partners, and the wider values of sourcing verified sustainable tropical timber. It also links to other sustainable tropical timber marketing initiatives and information resources and websites on the performance and availability of lesser used tropical timber species, relevant regulation and business information.

The site also includes a dedicated page on lesser used tropical species (LUS) which, the STTC says, if used more widely would reduce stress on more popular varieties and make sustainable forest management more economically viable. It links to a number of websites focused on availability and technical performance of LUS and a range of other resources focused on varieties from Africa, South East Asia and Latin America. It lists sources of guidance on marketing LUS and their performance in specific applications.

The Procurement Policies page details how these shape the marketplace for tropical timber and provides a link to the Buying Sustainable Timber Guide for public authorities. The STTC is looking to update and include on the website a database providing guidance, materials, tools and training resources for public authorities on sustainable timber product procurement.

The STTC website additionally features a section on the impacts of using verified sustainable tropical timber in terms of climate change mitigation, the superior life cycle performance of timber products and forest and biodiversity maintenance. It also provides a comprehensive list of resources on the wider social, economic and environmental benefits of sustainable forest management.

“Using verified sustainable tropical timber from sustainably managed forests has numerous, often interrelated benefits,” states the STTC. “These are also increasingly objectively proven and documented.”

The site features also prominently a link to the website of the sustainable tropical timber branding campaign Fair&Precious. The two initiatives earlier this year announced that they would work closely together to achieve their shared aim of growing the EU market for verified sustainable tropical timber. Each committed to leverage the strengths of the other, with the STTC’s focus on market and product data and analysis, Fair & Precious’s emphasis on marketing the environmental, social and economic benefits of sourcing tropical timber from sustainably managed forests.

The STTC will continue to develop the website and welcomes feedback and contributions with regards to resources (promotional tools, data resources, publications, etc.).

STTC conference delivers tropical timber rallying call

A new survey of leading importers’ views on growing the EU market for tropical timber will be unveiled at the Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition (STTC) annual conference in Berlin.

Key findings from the survey, undertaken by forest and timber sustainability analysts and advisors Probos, will be presented and delegates invited to discuss and share their ideas on the issue.

This will be just one focus at the November 20 conference, titled Exploring pathways to verified sustainable tropical Timber.

The background to the event will be continuing contraction in overall use of tropical timber in the European market at a time when there is growing urgency to increase sales of verified sustainable tropical material.

“The whole supply chain has a role, responsibility and interest in reversing this downward trend, and market-wide effort is vital for success,” states the STTC.  “Growth of the EU tropical timber market and the share of verified sustainable timber will incentivise tropical suppliers to introduce sustainable forest management.”

“We need to find ways to improve the business model of certified forest companies and to the best of our ability to make them stronger,” added Benoît Jobbé-Duval managing director of ATIBT, the International Tropical Timber Technical Association, which runs the STTC partner tropical timber branding campaign Fair&Precious.

In the conference session headlined Promoting tropical timber- a new urgency, there will be an overview of verified sustainable tropical timber marketing tools.

A spokesperson from the City of Berlin will also describe its work to promote timber via its procurement process and leading European companies will present their marketing initiatives.

In the session Navigating the journey from the EU Timber Regulation through to verified sustainable, speakers will examine the stepwise approach to sustainability certification, including through building on existing regional and national forest management initiatives,  such as the EU Forest Law, Enforcement Governance and Trade initiative and Verified Sourcing Areas.  There will be presentations on trends in sustainable tropical timber market share and the impact of certification on landscapes.

Following the highly successful tradition of previous STTC Conferences, a significant part of the day will be given over to delegate participation and feedback using the table talks format, led by the popular event moderator Peter Woodward. A wide range of topics will be opened for discussion under the headline themes The sustainable verification journey and Tropical timber promotional imperatives and activities.

Delegates will also have the opportunity to respond to other points made during the day, to sign up to specific commitments and to input into proposals for further actions from the STTC.

The overarching message of the Conference will be the importance of building scale in the verified sustainable tropical timber market to achieve real impact in tropical forest governance and management.

And the day will close on a rousing note, with a ‘call to arms’ for the tropical timber sector, including an address from a leading tropical timber country figure, highlighting the key role of forests, trees and timber to their future development.

The Conference is also the day before the two-day International Hardwood Conference in Berlin, giving delegates the opportunity to attend both. In fact, over refreshments after the STTC conference, there will be an opportunity to network with fellow delegates and participants of the International Hardwood Conference.

The STTC is expecting a capacity audience drawn from across the tropical timber sector, with delegates already signed up from the spectrum of timber businesses, trade federations, the research sector, international agencies, NGOs and government.

To register.


Certified SFM preserves biodiversity

Latest research has shown that certified sustainable forest management, including low impact logging, supports habitat preservation and richness and diversity of wildlife.

The WWF study was conducted in the Peruvian Amazon and the results published in Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation journal, which is produced by educational services provider Wiley and the Zoological Society of London.

Researchers evaluated the impact of forest management certified under the Forest Stewardship Council scheme in Peru’s Tahuamanu Province in the Madre de Dios region.

They found that the sustainably managed area supported greater diversity in a range of species, including amphibians, insects and monkeys, compared to non-certified forest. The species variety was comparable with that in undisturbed forest.

The research team used acoustic technology analysis to gauge the diversity of wildlife in the study region, recording  hundreds of audio samples of birds, insects, amphibians and monkeys in three large industrial concessions. Two were FSC-certified and one non- certified. In total they set up 67 recording sites across the sustainably managed and non-certified logging sites.

They found not just a greater variety, but a greater quantity of animal sounds in the certified forest and both were comparable with what might be expected in un-exploited forest.

“Our findings reinforce conclusions of other studies that certified forests can maintain similar levels of fauna biodiversity to undisturbed primary forest in the Amazon region,” concluded the research team. They added that their work provided important pointers for future biodiversity analysis, with numbers and variety of insects and ‘anurans’ amphibians (toads and frogs) providing most reliable evidence of habitat structure variation.

“The Peruvian project provides further validation for the STTC’s view that uptake of certified sustainable forest management practice supports tropical forest and habitat maintenance,” said Nienke Sleurink of the STTC. “And one way to encourage that is to grow the market for verified sustainable tropical timber from those certified forests.”

The findings also bear out statements of the Fair&Precious campaign that certified forest concessions ensure preservation of wildlife habitat.

“In addition, the communication routes maintained within the forests improve the mobility of large mammals, which has resulted in the repopulation of the various species,” it says.

Workers in the Peruvian FSC-certified forest used reduced impact logging strategies including pre‐harvest inventory, plunge cut, planned skidding and directional felling to reduce collateral damage. The FSC concessions also had lower harvesting intensity in terms of number of trees and timber volume, higher log recovery and they damaged fewer commercial species during felling than non‐FSC concessions.

According to the WWF, timber production takes place in around a third of tropical forest. Poorly conducted logging, it says, can degrade ecosystems and fragment habitats, threatening biodiversity. However, responsibly managed logging can conserve it, as well as providing sustainable  local livelihoods and economic development.

This findings of the latest research complement an earlier study which concluded that densities of large and medium-sized tropical animals in FSC-certified logging areas, including jaguars and pumas, were similar to or even higher than in protected areas.

“This new study shows us that it is possible to combine production forestry with biodiversity conservation if done in the right way and in the right places.” said William Baldwin-Cantello, WWF Forest Practice Lead.





Obstacles in sourcing certified tropical timber

Over 90% of all wood imported by the members of the Netherlands Timber Trade Association (VVNH) is from verified sustainable forest. However the proportion of certified material in their tropical timber imports declined in 2018.

These are among the findings of the annual trade report covering VVNH’s 216 members by forest and timber sustainability analysts and advisors Probos. According to its analysis, 91.9% of the 1.8 million m3 of softwood, hardwood and sheet materials imported by VVNH companies in 2018 was backed with an FSC or PEFC certificate, about the same level as 2017.

The highest proportion of certified imports came in softwood, up from 98.4% in 2017 to 99.1%.

Certified sheet materials showed an increase in the certified total from 93.5% to 94.5%, while certified temperate hardwood imports were up from 46.6% to 59.6%.

But the proportion of certified tropical timber imported into the Netherlands fell from 66.1% in 2017 to 63.6% last year.

VVNH Director Paul van den Heuvel said that there were various factors involved in this decline. “Members earlier reported that it was becoming increasingly difficult to get verified sustainable tropical wood. Now this is also reflected in the figures,” he said. “Among the causes is that some certified forest concessions are in conflict areas, making them no longer accessible. Also implicated is increasing tropical timber demand in Asia, where sustainability is hardly ever a purchasing criteria.”

In addition, Jan Oldenburger from Probos added; ‘Malaysia is the most important supplier of certified material for the Dutch market and if the certified sustainably managed forest area there decreases, it will impact the market share. Although we are worried, we should be aware that a one year’s decrease, might be an incident. We continue to monitor the situation.”

In the Netherlands, leading timber and associated trade associations, construction and retail sector bodies, unions, conservation organisations and various government ministries have signed a ‘Covenant’ to make verified sustainable timber the norm across the supply chain. Mr Van den Heuvel, chairman of the Covenant board, said the VVNH and the other 23 signatories needed to step up their efforts in supporting sustainable tropical timber demand, which in turn supports sustainable tropical forest management.

”One thing is clear,” he said. “If the market for verified sustainable wood doesn’t lead quickly to a better business case for sustainable forest management in the tropics, we will probably lose even more certified concessions, with over-harvesting or deforestation as a result. In short, the remaining challenges are great and all parties must work hard to meet Covenant objectives”.









EU commits to boost global forest protection effort

© Courtesy TFT

The EU has pledged to support spread of sustainable, biodiverse forest coverage worldwide. In July the European Commission adopted the EU Communication ‘Stepping up EU Action to Protect and Restore the World’s Forests’.

The STTC welcomed the new development as in line with its objective to grow the EU market for verified sustainable tropical timber. At the same time, IDH – the Sustainable Trade Initiative urged further steps, including using regulation and demand, to drive development of deforestation free supply chains.

The EU communication proposes creation of a ‘multi-stakeholder platform’ and an EU Observatory on deforestation and forest degradation. It also advocates exploration of forest protection  legislative measures, and reinforcing implementation of the EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan to combat illegal logging.

At its core are five policy priorities for the EU. To:

  • Reduce the EU’s consumption footprint on land and encourage consumption of products from deforestation-free supply chains
  • Work with producer countries to reduce pressures on forests and “deforest-proof” EU development cooperation
  • Strengthen international cooperation to halt deforestation and forest degradation, and promote reforestation
  • Redirect finance to more sustainable land-use practices
  • Increase provision of information and back research on forests and commodity supply chains

“Setting out these policy priorities is a positive step and the strategy shares key goals with the STTC and its partners,” said Nienke Sleurink of the STTC . “The STTC’s aim is also to ensure deforestation-free timber supply chains and forest maintenance through supporting uptake of sustainable timber procurement policy and so drive the spread of sustainable forest management. It also welcomes increased backing for forest research, with another STTC strategy being to support development of markets for verified sustainable lesser used tropical species and so make sustainable forest management more economically viable.”

ATIBT’s Fair & Precious campaign has also been active in moves to achieve deforestation-free supply chains in forest commodities. It is involved in the French National Strategy against Imported Deforestation (SNDI), including in sharing its experience with the F&P brand for the possible development of a ‘Zero Deforestation’ label.

The EU says its new strategy on forests is a response to ‘persistence of the issue of global deforestation and increasing awareness of the link between deforestation and agricultural expansion, as well as repeated calls from the European Parliament and the Council to take action’.

“It recognizes that the EU, as a major importer of agricultural and forest commodities, is part of the problem, but can also be part of the solution,” it states. “The overall objective of the initiative is to develop a more coherent and comprehensive approach to the problem.”

Among the additional measures IDH urged the EU to consider in a position paper on the Communication [add link to IDH position paper] was use of competition compliance legislation to ‘promote innovation for sustainable supply chains’.

“Closer collaboration between DG Environment and DG Trade should also be explored,” it said. “How can trade agreements be set up in such a way that sustainable production and imports are promoted, and the requirements for imports are enforced?”

The organisation also suggests making it obligatory for EU member states to source only sustainable products, and it recommends partnering on sustainable supply chain development with other trading powers, mentioning India and China. It recommends too including sustainability data in trade statistics to inform policy development.

IDH also highlights the importance of including smallholders in sustainable trade strategy and supporting anti-deforestation measures at sub-national level.

It additionally questions the EU Communication’s recommendation to ‘disseminate information to help reduce demand for products whose supply chains may involve deforestation’. “Moving away from supply chains that have issues will not create impact, it merely displaces the problem,” states IDH. “All efforts that the EU undertakes should focus on creating an incentive for continuous improvement in production. Part of this incentive is increasing demand.”

STTC partner Interholco also contributed to consultation, which can be found here.

More background to the EU strategy can be found in its Roadmap document.

Shanghai International Forum focuses on tropical timber’s future – challenges and opportunities

Growing worldwide timber demand, combating deforestation and the need to move to a bio-based, de-carbonised global economy are among topics in focus at the International Tropical Timber Technical Association (ATIBT) International Forum in Shanghai.

The event is titled Together Towards Global Green Supply Chains and takes place from October 22 to 23. It is being held in association with the China Timber and Wood Products Distribution Association (CTWPDA) and the International Tropical Timber Organisation (ITTO) as an outcome of its Legal and Sustainable Supply Chains (LSSC) initiative.

There will be field visits on October 24 and 26 October and delegates also have the opportunity to attend the CTWPDA’s Global Hardwood and Wood Flooring Conference, which takes place in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province on October 25.

Rapid transition to a bio-based economy

The organisers cite the latest Special Report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which stated that global climate goals cannot be reached without rapid transition to a bio-based, de-carbonised economy founded on legal and sustainable production and consumption.  At the same time, they say, the gap between global demand and supply of timber is expected to widen to 2050, as wood fibre consumption increases, driven by growing population, notably in tropical countries, and deforestation and forest degradation impacts wood availability.

In response to these market and environmental challenges, many forest-based companies have implemented responsible production and sourcing strategies. However, many producers, notably in tropical countries, face difficulties in responding due to ‘lack of incentives and enabling frameworks’ and limited technical and financial capacity to meet and document compliance with legality and sustainability [requirements]’.

Calls for international cooperation

This, say the Forum organisers, calls for market collaboration and communication.
“There is an urgent need to develop green markets domestically and internationally, enhancing direct connectivity between producers and consumers,” they state.  “This will also promote better understanding of demand, supply and market constraints, while strengthening trust, via which climate and other benefits can be derived.”

The ITTO urges private sector action on these issues to complement efforts to meet Sustainable Development Goals. It launched its LSSC programme to incentivize green markets, support enabling governance frameworks and increase capacity for implementation of good practice. The aim is also to connect ‘committed consumers and producers’.

The Global Green Supply Chain

Under its Global Green Supply Chain (GGSC) initiative, ITTO is also partnering with leading Chinese wood trading and processing operations. The aim is a GGSC Platform connecting international and domestic producers and consumers to increase sustainable wood sourcing and production and ensure sustainable wood supply meets international demand for legal, sustainable and certified timber.

Key aims and outcomes

The Forum will also address how such steps can bring associated benefits; poverty alleviation, employment creation, economic growth and climate change mitigation.

Key goals of the event are:

  • To raise the profile of productive forests and their contribution to climate change mitigation and sustainable development
  • To review the private sector’s role in climate change and development initiatives
  • To identify legality and sustainability issues in wood supply chains and capacity requirements for sustainable forest management and deforestation-free practice
  • To address challenges and opportunities in global wood supply chain demand and supply
  • To encourage development of sustainable timber and wood products supply chains
  • To promote partnership in global green wood supply chains.

The aim of the event will also be to establish an LSSC-GGSC Platform to facilitate business information exchange and collaboration between timber producers, buyers, processors and wood market representatives.

Forum delegates are expected to include; ITTO and GGSC current and prospective members; CTWPDA members with an interest in LSSC and GGSC; ATIBT members, including representatives of the African forest concession and wood industries; forest and timber federation representatives from the Amazon Basin and Southeast Asia; GGSC current and potential donors; and other stakeholders, including representatives of government, research bodies, academia, forest and timber trade initiatives and civil society.

The International Forum will also be a prime opportunity for networking, with business-to-business meetings arranged by the organisers, where required.  Proceedings will be in English, French, Spanish and Mandarin, with simultaneous translation.

For more details and registration contact: Manissa Tanhchaleun or visit