Partners develop new insights into sustainable tropical timber trade

The STTC-backed study of sustainable tropical timber flows into the EU, the follow-on from its 2018 report, ‘How Sustainable are Europe’s Tropical Timber Imports?’, has started its data-analysis process.

First presented at the STTC’s Conference last October, the EU Sustainable Tropical Timber Data Partner project involves a consortium of bodies experienced in monitoring the sector. It promises new insights into the trade with a goal of greater transparency and more accurate data to aid EU sustainable tropical timber market analysis and also better targeting of development initiatives.

The undertaking is led by the Global Timber Forum (GTF), the international network of associations and timber sector stakeholders, with Netherlands-based forest and timber sustainability advisors and analysts Probos as lead technical partner. It also has the support of the FLEGT Independent Market Monitor project (IMM).

Since its launch last year, the project’s partners have obtained the latest COMEXT trade data for the year 2018 and “cleaned” it to ensure that it is as accurate as possible as a starting point for further analysis. To enhance the process the team have collected data through international databases for tropical countries producing timber and assessed the forest area under each forest management function, for example if they are production or conservation areas. It has also collated data for the FSC and PEFC certified natural forest area in tropical countries, plus their FSC Controlled Wood areas and are working on their production volumes. Analysis of these factors will allow a refinement of the estimates of certified wood for the final report.

Further outreach will continue in the next quarter, with the report due to be published in June.

Strong welcome for EU deforestation action

Photo: Mark van Benthem, Probos

EU proposals for new measures to combat tropical deforestation, and particularly to control forest conversion to agriculture have been backed by the timber sector, NGOs and other stakeholders. Some actually urge it to go further than the steps put forward.

An EU roadmap, ‘Deforestation and forest degradation – stepping up EU action’, was put out for feedback at the start of the year. The goal, it stated, was to develop ‘an integrated EU approach to combat deforestation, protect forests and promote sustainable supply chains’.

“Deforestation is a major global problem, leading to biodiversity loss, climate change and poverty,” said the roadmap summary. “The causes are many and complex, though increased production of commodities, such as soy, beef, palm oil, coffee, and cocoa, drives almost 80% of all deforestation.”

Possible EU actions include building partnerships with producer countries to support uptake of sustainable agriculture and forestry and reduce pressure on forests. Another goal is to back creation of sustainable and transparent supply chains for sustainably produced commodities.

New partnerships with other major consumer countries are proposed, plus steps to better implement and communicate existing EU actions on deforestation.

Responding to consultation on the Roadmap, which closed in January, Netherlands timber sector research and communications hub Centrum Hout backed EU proposals. “Our efforts to support sustainable forest management should not be frustrated by import of [other] forest risk commodities that cause deforestation,” it stated. “It would also be very helpful to have policies and tools that not only stop deforestation and forest degradation, but support sustainable forest management.”

John Hontelez for the Forest Stewardship Council urged two actions from the EU. The first was to put pressure on EU importing companies to work with credible certification schemes that incorporate robust environmental and social requirements and have effective verification tools. “This pressure can start with public procurement requirements,” he said. The FSC also recommended fiscal incentives for adoption of certification, including via harvesting, concession or export fees, or VAT.

In response to the wider consultation from January through February on EU proposals, the WWF said current EU anti-deforestation policies were inadequate and among other tropical forest products it cited wooden goods as a key risk commodity where action was needed to curb forest degradation impacts. It also stressed that any EU action plan should be underpinned with legislation. That included in terms of ensuring transparency to identify investment linked to deforestation. “There should be action in the EU as well as producer countries to address drivers of deforestation and conversion which should combine voluntary with binding measures,” said the WWF.

The Environmental Investigation Agency also welcomed the roadmap and consultation, but expressed concern at its statement that any initiative would be “non-legislative”. Fellow NGO Fern picked up the same theme.

The UK Timber Trade Federation backed the EU proposals and the fact that it concentrated on agricultural commodities, notably palm oil and soya the ‘real forest risk commodities’. But it felt it could do more.

“In the EU Timber and FLEGT regulations it has regulatory systems that work. By blocking illegal timber’s access to the EU market they effect industry change,” said TTF Managing Director David Hopkins. “The EU should now impose similar regulatory controls, with mandatory due diligence, on these other commodities.”

The European woodworking industries Confederation CEI-Bois also backed the EU’s focus on non-forest products.

Following its consultation, the EU said it would issue a communication on its deforestation proposals in the second quarter of 2019.

Data collection and coordination key to unlocking sustainable tropical timber market growth

The participants at the STTC conference in Paris. Photo: Elise Héral, ATIBT

The Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition’s goal is to see an increase in the share of European tropical timber sales taken by verified sustainable material from today’s about 30% to 50% in 2020. This in turn, will be a significant driver for further spread of sustainable forest management in tropical supplier countries.

But vital to achieving this objective, says the STTC, is to improve accuracy, accessibility and analysis of trade statistics, hence the title of its annual conference in October – held, appropriately, in the Tropical Gardens in Paris – ‘Using data to drive market share’.

To date the STTC has primarily focused, with private and public sector partners, on market education and promotion initiatives, encouraging uptake of lesser-known tropical species and supporting sustainable procurement policy implementation.

Now, with founder IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative, it has made the strategic move to focus increasingly on gathering and interpreting trade data; to get a better handle on verified sustainable tropical timber volumes entering European supply chains, its origins and destinations. The objective is to inform further market development activity and ensure it is precisely targeted.

Until now, the Coalition acknowledges, the European verified sustainable tropical timber market has lacked a coherent source of definitive trade figures. Some national data monitoring has proved successful, but the pan-European picture has been less clear.

However, the Conference also highlighted that this is changing. Alongside the STTC’s efforts, other initiatives, some with its support, have emerged to track the wider European tropical timber market. Speakers also highlighted growing cooperation in the field between different players sharing the same objective of understanding sector trends and market development potential. These included the Global Timber Forum, the ITTO and the EU FLEGT Independent Market Monitor project.

Other presentations were delivered by a wide range of voices, including FSC, PEFC, IDH, Probos, the UK Timber Trade Federation, the ATIBT, the French Development Agency, Le Commerce du Bois, SNCF and the Alliance for the Preservation of Forests.

New approaches, delegates heard, were also being evolved to improve tropical timber trade monitoring, including the ‘exposure to certification’ method. And there was also a call for ‘new metrics’ for sustainability, to complement current certification schemes.

In addition the Conference featured presentations on complementary STTC-backed projects to grow European awareness of sustainable tropical timber availability and exploit its market potential. These included the ATIBT’s My Tropical Timber Website, the FSC’s new ‘Together we are FSC’ campaign, PEFC International’s programme for growing certified timber trade flows from Asia to Europe and Le Commerce du Bois’s range of verified sustainable tropical timber marketing initiatives.

Highly animated Table Talks also enabled delegates to debate the issues, focus in on specific topics and give feedback.

The Conference themes were clearly ones that struck a chord. The event attracted over 90 delegates from across the EU and tropical supplier countries. They included the range of timber businesses and representatives of industry federation representatives from across Europe and supplier countries, NGOs and certification schemes.

STTC Conferences are gaining a particular reputation for their level of delegate participation. And led with zest by enthusiastic professional moderator Peter Woodward – now an STTC Conference regular – this year’s event also sparked lively audience discussion and debate.

The Conference closed with a presentation of the STTC’s 2018-2020 roadmap from IDH Tropical Timber Programme Manager Nienke Stam. She said that further data research to steer tropical timber market development would be a core element of the STTC’s focus going forward. And among new data-based reports would be a 2018 follow-up to its 2016 publication ‘How Sustainable are Europe’s Tropical Timber Products? ‘. The original report highlighted the bottom line of growing the market for verified sustainable tropical timber. It concluded that if Europe’s seven leading timber-consuming countries sourced exclusively verified sustainable primary tropical timber products, 5.3 million ha more tropical forest would be brought under sustainable management to supply the demand.

For the full report on the STTC Conference click here

Partners promise new insights into sustainable tropical timber trade

George White presenting the project at 2018 STTC Conference. Photo: Mark van Benthem, Probos

The new STTC-backed study of sustainable tropical timber flows into the EU involves a consortium of lead bodies experienced in monitoring the sector and, using new methodologies, promises key new insights into the trade. The goal is greater transparency and more accurate data to aid EU sustainable tropical timber market analysis and better targeting of development initiatives.

The EU Sustainable Tropical Timber Data Partner project is led by the Global Timber Forum (GTF), the international network of associations and timber sector stakeholders, with Netherlands-based forest and timber sustainability advisors and analysts Probos as lead technical partner.

The consortium also includes the ITTO-managed, EU-funded Independent Market Monitor project (IMM), which monitors trade flows and market impacts of FLEGT licensed timber and products from FLEGT VPA engaged countries. It will additionally draw on data from the online Sustainable Timber Information Exchange (STIX), which is being developed by the GTF and analyst Forest Industries Intelligence to improve accuracy of global timber trade flow statistics in support of market monitoring and policy implementation.

Unveiling the project at the STTC Conference in Paris in September, the GTF’s George White said that understanding of the EU sustainable tropical timber sector is limited by the fact that neither FSC nor PEFC collect certification  data at source. “Moreover, timber trade federations and importers are reluctant to share their own internal data when there is no obligation and it is not in their interests to do so,” he said. “This currently makes core data collection challenging.”

Focusing on the seven lead EU tropical timber importing countries and primary timber products, the new Data Partner project aimed to achieve better understanding and analysis of their certified tropical timber trade, but also import flows of FLEGT-licensed products and timber from VPA-engaged countries.”

The project breaks new ground in using a measure of ‘exposure to certification ‘market monitoring methodology which has been developed by IMM. Still being fine-tuned, this takes the proportion of certified forest in a supplier country, based on figures from FSC and PEFC, and calculations of productive forest from the UNFAO,  and applies that percentage to its exports to specific national markets.

“This method has its limits, but we believe can be refined by, for instance, using timber produced by the supplier country, rather than forest area, and targeted trade and other stakeholder interviews,” said Mr White.

He added that there were clear indications the FSC and PEFC would collaborate with the process, with a further outcome being an improved measure of ‘exposure to certification’ monitoring model that STTC founder and funder IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative, could use on an on-going basis.

The project also plans to estimate a ‘carbon footprint number’ for EU sustainable tropical timber trade, blending trade data from Comext and life cycle analysis information from the GABI database. The work is due to for completion in June 2019.

“Finding a cost-effective way to  estimate progress in the EU market for certified forest products is an important goal for a wide range of organisations,” said Mr White. “We hope the collaborative effort that this project requires will give us useful results that can be confidently used for on-going monitoring and targeted interventions by a range of stakeholders.”

Harnessing SDG’s to promote sustainable tropical timber

Together we are FSC

Worldwide business, government and other entities are looking to demonstrate their environmental commitment by aligning corporate social responsibility,  purchasing and other policy with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The aim of FSC’s new STTC-backed project- ‘Together we are FSC’, to be launched fully in 2019- is to harness this trend and better illustrate the wider benefits of certified tropical timber to help drive procurement and use of verified  sustainable tropical timber.

“The backdrop to the initiative”, said FSC’s European Regional Director Anand Punja at the STTC Annual Conference, “is that worthy and impactful NGO campaigns, with the goal of combating large scale, indiscriminate logging in rainforests, had the consequence of  turning people away from buying tropical timber, despite the fact that numerous studies show the positive societal benefits that the verified sustainable certified timber trade brings to tropical forests and the local communities living within them” he said. “FSC research showed there was a gap in communicating the positive social and environmental impacts of purchasing certified tropical timber to boost demand”

This, added Mr Punja, is where the link to the SDGs come in.

“Since their adoption in 2016, the SDGs have increasingly become an important guide for the world’s businesses and public authorities to show their purpose as an entity that has wider benefits for society,” he said. “So they provide an excellent opportunity to communicate the wider positive benefits of using certified tropical timber in a way that is becoming increasingly widely accepted and utilised worldwide.”

To this end the STTC-backed FSC project will be rolled out as a campaign in 2019 to market FSC certified tropical timber, targeted at purchases and consumers. During its conception phase, the project:

  • Analysed various studies (public and internal FSC reports) demonstrating the positive benefits of the sustainable tropical timber trade and map these to the SDGs;
  • Developed engaging and compelling messaging about the benefits of the verified sustainable tropical trade in ‘SDG terms’;
  • Developed a marketing and communication toolkit with creative assets for FSC Trademark licence holders (i.e. timber) to use under the banner of ‘Together we are FSC’;
  • Marketing assets include; video’s, social media posts, posters and other promotional materials.

This project, said Mr Punja, is one of the actions to support delivery of Strategy 2 of the FSC Global Strategic Plan; to increase the market value of FSC, especially for its business stakeholders.

Taking the sustainability message across the supply chain

Digital promotion and marketing toolkits and architectural and vocational school student outreach are just latest developments in the comprehensive programme of verified sustainable tropical timber market education and promotion Le Commerce du Bois (LCB) has undertaken with support and input from the STTC.  The French timber trade federation’s goal, Communication Manager Jessica Tholon told the STTC Conference in Paris, is to highlight the benefits of sourcing and using verified sustainable tropical material across the timber supply chain in the widest sense.

LCB distributed the digital toolkits on usb sticks through a series of regional meetings in 2017 organised for the range of industry stakeholders. Here delegates were also given information on tropical timber buyers among its membership, its due diligence accreditation system and environmental charter.

“We also highlighted our dedicated self-funded website, Le Bon Choix du Bois Tropical (Tropical timber – the good choice), which covers tropical timber applications, technical performance and lists 60 suppliers across France,” said Ms Tholon.

Specifiers have also been targeted at the meetings around France, with additional contributions from WWF and the ATIBT about the importance of sustainable forest management in tropical timber countries and the end product’s potential applications.

Audiences also heard from five leading LCB members on their sourcing and active promotion of sustainable tropical timber; Rougier, Tradelink, CID Bois, Pasquet menuiseries and Bois des 3 Ports. As part of the LCB programme, these companies also undertook to work towards specific goals through 2016/17 for increasing the percentage of their tropical timber sales accounted for by certified material. “The companies set ambitious targets, but one increased the proportion over the period from 2% to 10%, and others from 51% to 55% and 26% to 30%,” said Ms Tholon.

In another particularly high profile project developed with STTC support, LCB made seven videos featuring comment from architects, developers, timber suppliers and other stakeholders under the headline “I believe in certified tropical timber”. “These have been particularly successful and widely viewed,” said Ms Tholon.

Meanwhile, the goal of LCB’s conferences for architectural and vocational schools, she concluded, was to take the core messages on using verified sustainable tropical timber to specifiers and buyers of the future.


FSC backs Gabon certification programme to boost timber demand

Photo: JPDodane

The FSC says it was not consulted by the Gabon authorities on their decision to make its certification scheme compulsory for forest concession holders in the country. However, it said it ‘strongly supported the ambition shown by the government’ and would back Gabonese forest managers in meeting FSC standards.

The consensus of a Forestry Sector Forum in Libreville at the end of November, attended by a broad spectrum of stakeholders, was also that Gabon was making the right move and the focus was primarily on how government certification goals could be realised and in what time scale.

Gabon President Ali Bongo Ondimba said that forest operations must embrace an  ‘international  standard’ on responsible logging by 2022, mentioning solely the FSC scheme.

“Any business not committed to the certification process will have its permit withdrawn,” he said on a visit to a sawmill in the north of the country.

FSC Congo Basin Director Mathieu Auger-Schwartzenberg said that the FSC supported ‘all initiatives that can lead to making responsible forest management the norm’.

“This is the core of our mission and of our Global Strategic Plan,” he said.  “We will ensure Gabon’s forest managers are given necessary support, while at the same time making sure their performance is checked rigorously, using our systems of independent third-party verification. We’re confident this will lead to measurable social and environmental benefits in Gabon.”

The FSC says it will collaborate with all involved stakeholders to develop an action plan for implementation of the government’s decision.  As a first step, it participated in the Forestry Sector Forum in Libreville in November, where FSC International Managing Director Kim Carstensen presented its certification scheme.

Also taking part in the event were forest businesses, government representatives, the PAFC/PEFC and OLB schemes, NGOs, banks and other financial and donor organisations. The PAFC/PEFC was also among those to make a presentation, although the question did not arise as to whether Gabonese concession managers should also be allowed or encouraged to adopt its scheme too.

“In his closing remarks, the [Forest] Minister reiterated that the President had made a political decision and it was now up to the experts (at the meeting) to come with a practical plan how to implement this,” said Jaap van de Waarde of the WWF Netherlands, who attended the meeting.

The WWF itself has also backed Gabon’s decision.

“It is a positive step to protect Gabon’s forest ecosystems and to ensure benefits for local communities,” said Marthe Mapangou, Director of WWF-Gabon. “WWF will continue to support the government and companies in Gabon to implement sustainable forest management and to communicate best practice in forest management through implementation of Global Forest & Trade Network (GFTN) tools.”

Currently just over 2 million ha, or 14%, of Gabon’s forest  concessions is FSC certified, comprising areas managed by Rougier, Precious Woods and Compagnie des bois du Gabon.

FSC says it will work in coming months with Gabonese forest sector stakeholders  ‘to see how concrete action plans for each concession can be developed and implemented to achieve the government’s vision’.

As for the finance needed for certification, Mr Van de Waarde said that the agencies Agence France de Developpement and KfW both indicated at the Libreville forum that they have funds to support activities that would be needed in such a process’

Mr Auger-Schwartzenberg said it would like to see other Congo Basin governments encouraging certification. ‘The Gabon government decision creates an important precedent by signalling to forestry companies in the region that this is a serious issue and that it is committed to seeing companies manage the country’s forests in a sustainable manner for the benefit of people and nature and Gabon’s place in international markets.”

Taking the sustainable timber message to EcoProcura

FSC Ecoprocura study tour

The beneficial impacts of using sustainably sourced tropical timber were news to some delegates at the latest EcoProcura Conference in Nijmegen, according to FSC Netherlands.

The EcoProcura event promotes exchange and dialogue among purchasers from government, plus suppliers and other policy makers on strategies and solutions for sustainable and innovative procurement. This year’s event attracted over 400 delegates from around the world, with the plenary programme ranging from such diverse topics as buying green electricity and sustainable finance, to supporting local communities through social procurement programmes and the purchasing policies of several major European cities.

While sustainable timber and forestry was not covered in the plenary sessions, FSC Netherlands and FSC International partnered the conference and had a booth. They also organised ‘market lounge’ presentations of the FSC IMPACT tool for calculating the environmental benefits of using certified timber in the building sector, plus a study tour on the use of certified timber in construction.

“So we were quite visible during the event,” said Mark Kemna of FSC Netherlands.

“As a co-sponsor of EcoProcura, FSC was also mentioned by main organiser and STTC partner ICLEI as an important partner for cities in sustainable tropical procurement,” added FSC Chief Advocacy Officer John Hontelez. “I have the impression that those taking part take certification as a given, be it that they do not specifically focus on tropical timber, or even do not trust verified sustainable tropical timber entirely.”

Mr Kemna added that “most participants we spoke to were very positive about FSC and the role it can play in sustainable procurement. Although for a good part of them, learning about the wider positive effects of the use of certified tropical timber was an eye opener.”

Nordic Ecolabelling scheme to review tropical criteria

Photo: Mark van Benthem, Probos

After persistent lobbying, the criteria of the Nordic Ecolabel scheme, described by critics as a ‘de facto ban’ on sale of tropical timber, are now set to be reviewed. But those pressing for change are still urging more industry stakeholders to join with them in calling for revision of the scheme.

New criteria on tropical timber were introduced for users of the Nordic Ecolabel, one of Scandinavia’s highest profile green labelling schemes, in 2016. Besides insisting that all timber products bearing the Ecolabel were 70% FSC or PEFC certified, with the remainder FSC controlled wood or from PEFC controlled sources, the scheme’s executive drew up an 82-strong list, dominated by tropical species, that it would not cover. As well as many lesser-known species, these included a range of varieties widely sold in Scandinavia and the rest of Europe. Among them are ipé, doussie, jatoba, movingui and okoumé.

Qualifications for being put on the prohibited list were CITES listing, and inclusion on the IUCN red list (categorized as critically endangered (CR)), endangered (EN), vulnerable (VU) and relevant species as Near Threatened (NT). Species from forest designated under a range of criteria as ‘unsustainable’ were also included. Requirements can be found here.

FSC Denmark, WWF Denmark, Forests of the World, the Danish Timber Trade Federation and 13 other Danish organisations and companies immediately wrote to Nordic Ecolabelling protesting about its ‘inappropriate non-approval of sustainable tropical wood’.

They said it amounted to an effective ‘dismissal’ of tropical species from using the Ecolabel and that the consequences, far from supporting maintenance of the forest, could actually damage its prospects.

“A frequent incentive for development of sustainable forestry in [tropical] areas is the substantial income that results from international demand for the timber,” stated the letter. “If this incentive is removed, certification is often abandoned, and the forest becomes vulnerable to illegal logging or conversion to other land use. We must support the forestry sector in tropical countries, purchase timber from sustainable forestry and, as a [Nordic] region, take responsibility for development of these areas.”

At the time, Nordic Ecolabelling chairwoman Kristin Linda Árndottir said its tropical list had been developed ‘through democratic process and skilled reasoning’. She said it would remain in place, with species added or removed as appropriate.

FSC Denmark is acting as the hub for current lobbying to revise the scheme.

“It’s a huge problem as it’s the most well known label in all of Scandinavia and increasingly a requirement in public procurement policies,” said FSC Denmark Project Coordinator Kristian Jørgensen.

He added that Nordic Ecolabelling was now looking at revising its criteria, with a consultation period mid-January.

“As well as seeking allies in Sweden, Norway and Finland, we would welcome letters of support from voices in the tropics and strong networks across Europe to help make the scheme understand that the markets can drive important change in  tropical forests, and certification is a reliable tool. We believe in a system based on requirements set in the forestry context instead of a single species evaluation. With all the local and regional differences in conservation status and protection and law and management practices, it would be hard to see  current species evaluation as a fair tool and it risks excluding those who have put  effort into the development of sustainable forest management,” said Mr Jørgensen.

For further information and to support the campaign, contact Kristian Jørgensen at

Press release: Data collection and coordination key to unlocking sustainable tropical timber market growth

Animated discussions gave delegates the opportunities to debate the issues and give feedback. Photo: Mark van Benthem, Probos

European Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition Conference

The bold ambition of the Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition is to see an increase in sustainably sourced material’s share of European tropical timber sales from today’s 30% to 50% in 2020.

This in turn, it maintains, will be a significant driver for further spread of sustainable forest management in tropical supplier countries.

But vital to achieving this objective, says the STTC, is to improve accuracy, accessibility and analysis of trade statistics, hence the title of its annual conference in October – held, appropriately, in the Tropical Gardens in Paris – ‘Using data to drive market share’.

To date the STTC has primarily focused, with private and public sector partners, on market education and promotion initiatives, encouraging uptake of lesser-known tropical species and supporting sustainable procurement policy implementation.

Now, with founder IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative, it has made the strategic move to focus increasingly on gathering and interpreting trade data; to get a better handle on sustainably sourced tropical timber volumes entering European supply chains, its origins and destinations. This objective is to inform further market development activity and ensure it is precisely targeted.

Until now, the Coalition acknowledges, the European sustainable tropical timber market has lacked a coherent source of definitive trade figures. Some national data monitoring has proved successful, but the pan-European picture has been less clear.

However, the Conference also highlighted that this is changing. Alongside the STTC’s efforts, other initiatives, some with its support, have emerged to track the wider European tropical timber market. Speakers also highlighted growing cooperation in the field between different players sharing the same objective of understanding sector trends and market development potential. These included the Global Timber Forum, the ITTO and the EU FLEGT Independent Market Monitor Project.

Other presentations and table discussions were delivered by a wide range of industry voices, including FSC, PEFC, IDH, Probos, the Timber Trade Federations of the UK, Spain, France and Europe, the ATIBT, the French Development Agency, SNCF (French National Railway Company) and the Alliance for the Preservation of Forests.

New approaches, delegates heard, were also being evolved to improve tropical timber trade monitoring, including the ‘exposure to certification’ method. And there was also a call for ‘new metrics’ for sustainability, to complement current certification schemes.

In addition the Conference featured presentations on complementary STTC-backed projects to grow European awareness of sustainable tropical timber availability and exploit its market potential. These included the ATIBT’s My Tropical Timber Website, the FSC’s new ‘Together we are FSC’ campaign, PEFC International’s programme for growing certified timber trade flows from Asia to Europe and Le Commerce du Bois’s tropical timber marketing initiatives.

Highly animated Table Talks also enabled delegates to debate the issues, focus in on specific topics and give feedback.

The Conference themes were clearly ones that struck a chord. The event attracted over 90 delegates from across the EU and tropical supplier countries. They included the range of timber businesses and representatives of industry federation representatives from across Europe and supplier countries, NGOs and certification schemes.

STTC Conferences are gaining a particular reputation for their level of delegate participation. And led with zest by enthusiastic professional moderator Peter Woodward – now an STTC Conference regular – this year’s event also sparked lively audience discussion and debate.

The Conference closed with a presentation of the STTC’s 2018-2020 roadmap from IDH Tropical Timber Programme Manager Nienke Stam. She said that further data research to steer tropical timber market development would be a core element of the STTC’s focus going forward. And among new data-based reports would be a 2018 sequel to its 2016 publication ‘How Sustainable are Europe’s Tropical Timber Products?’. This highlighted the bottom line of growing the market for responsibly sourced tropical timber. If Europe’s seven leading timber-consuming countries sourced exclusively verified sustainable primary tropical timber, it concluded, 5.3 million ha more tropical forest would be brought under sustainable management.

The participants at the STTC conference in Paris. Photo: Elise Héral, ATIBT

More from the Conference will appear on the STTC website;
For more information: Joyce Penninkhof,